Creating custom extensions

All hotdoc extensions must extend the Extension class and provide a get_extension_classes function.

Minimal example extension:

from pathlib import Path
from json import loads

from hotdoc.core.extension import Extension
from hotdoc.core.tree import Page
from hotdoc.core.project import Project
from hotdoc.run_hotdoc import Application
from hotdoc.core.formatter import Formatter

import typing as T

    import argparse

class MyExtension(Extension):
    extension_name = 'my-ext'
    argument_prefix = 'prefix'

    def __init__(self, app: Application, project: Project):
        super().__init__(app, project)
        self._cfg_value = ''
        # More

    def add_arguments(parser: 'argparse.ArgumentParser'):
        group = parser.add_argument_group(
            'My extension',
            'My custom hotdoc extension',

        # Add Arguments with `group.add_argument(...)`
            help="My custom config option",

    def parse_config(self, config: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
        self._cfg_value = config.get('prefix_my_config')

    def setup(self) -> None:
        # Custom setup code here

    def get_dependencies() -> T.List[T.Type[Extension]]:
        return []  # In case this extension has dependencies on other extensions

def get_extension_classes() -> T.List[T.Type[Extension]]:
    return [MyExtension]

Using custom extensions

One way to use custom extensions to provide the path to the extension module with the --extra-extension option:

hotdoc --extra-extension /path/to/your/

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